The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Gov. Beshear Distances Himself from Washington in New TV Ad

Governor Beshear's release yesterday of a new TV ad for his re-election campaign not only attacked Washington's gridlock and inability to "lead" the nation, but it also seemed to distance the Governor from his own Party leaders including Pres. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid. The ad obviously has a lot to do with the fact that President Obama is widely unpopular in Kentucky, and the state leans much more to the right when it comes to national politics. Regardless, Senate President David Williams was quick to charge Gov. Beshear with having a "hyper- partisan cynical nature," following the released ad, and is certain to continue to try and establish the Governor's link to President Obama and Democrats in Washington. Check out this article by CN2's Ryan Alessi and the new ad video.
Gov. attacks Washington politics

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