The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Friday, October 14, 2011

Here's what's happening...

  • Roll up, roll up for the Democrat Mystery Tour.  Actually, I'm not sure what they're going to call it, but all the Democratic candidates for statewide office are going on a two-week bus tour around the state.
  • The state's finance secretary used her state e-mail address to send out solicitations for campaign donations on behalf of the Beshear campaign.  She's allowed to solicit, just not with government resources, which she did kinda do since the e-mails were sent via her government issued i-Pad.  I know, I'm most shocked by the fact that we have government issued i-Pads.  Beshear has said the matter is settlled.
  • cn2 tells us that Beshear has raised 6 times the amount that David Williams has raised, with state employees donate big for the Governor.
  • Big Blue Madness takes place this evening!!!

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