The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Sunday, October 30, 2011

KY Miners Die in Ohio County

On Friday, two Kentucky coal miners were killed in Ohio County after a wall collapsed, trapping both men and likely killing them immediately.  Since then, the story has been covered by the Associated Press, CNN and the Huffington Post.  Darrel Winstead, 47, and Samuel Lindsey, 23, were blasters for the Mill Equipment and Mine Supply Company.

Both Governor Beshear and Senator Rand Paul issued statements and sympathies with Rand Paul adding that he  respects "the dedication of Kentucky's coal community."

Unfortunately, both our governor and especially Senator Paul have little dedication to the coal community which they praise in times of tragedy.  The stronghold that Big Coal has on our state politics is stifling to miners and regulators alike.  The next time legislation is suggested to help protect workers and communities from the hazards of the coal industry, we will hear accusations of big government intrusion from both men and the lessons of Friday will be forgotten.

We need an institution that will look after those workers and the communities that surround them.  In fact, they already exist (e.g. EPA) but their impact will be limited until they have the support of the people we elect.  Instead, coal has the support of the people they pay for.

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