The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day 2012 in the Leipzig Volkspark

Chillin' at the Volkspark
May Day is a national holiday for Europeans, the equivalent of Labor Day in the States. While protesters took to the streets across Europe to demonstrate against spending cuts, higher taxes and lobby for higher wages, I was enjoying the warm sun in the Volkspark in Leipzig, Germany. Unbeknownst to us (me and my family) there was already something in motion in the park today when we arrived.  A tent was set up blasting trance-like music and people were already gathered around relaxing on the grass. Of course, I still don't know who set it up or why.  There was no commercialism, no one selling refreshments (strictly byob) or food. Just music blasting from a tent and people hanging out. We walked into by chance and by the time we left, folks were still arriving on old bikes or in groups by foot. Most were young, but not all.  Most were alternatively decked out but not all.  It was just a nice atmosphere. I played football (soccer) with my son while my wife read and the music played on. It was a typical scene for Leipzig.  There always seem to be something going on. Problem is you have to be in the know to always take advantage of  it (and I'm not).  But sometimes that adds to the experience, which was exactly the case this afternoon.

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