The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Polls Aren't Closing in Governor's Race

With the election only five days away, a new statewide poll says that Governor Steve Beshear still has a big lead on both his opponents, Republican David Williams and independent candidate Gatewood Galbraith.  The numbers are as follows:

Beshear: 54%
Williams: 29%
Galbraith: 9%
Undecided: 8%

Beshear still leads Williams in most demographics despite the Republicans increased attacks as of late.  Restoring America, a GOP-affiliated group, has been airing scathing ads against Beshear and David Williams himself has been going after the governor for participating in a Hindu ceremony which was held to celebrate a business opening in Elizabethtown.  As reported in the Courier-Journal by Joseph Gerth:

Williams said practioners of the Hindu religion worship “false gods” and that he hopes “their eyes are opened and they receive Jesus Christ as their personal savior, but it’s their business what they do.”

The gubernatorial race has been completely anticlimactic, slowly becoming more and more of a snooze-fest since mid-summer.  The real question on Tuesday is how great the impact of this race will be on the down-ticket races.  Most projections forecast a low turnout and the Democrats' struggle is to get enough people out to get their ticket elected.  

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