The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Republican Ads Airing in Kentucky

In a big push from the GOP, three new ads from Restoring America are being shown in the state.  The first is one attacking Beshear on the coal front, saying that Beshear supports Obama's policies and the EPA and that he hasn't been good for coal in the state.  For all of us who tend to watch the coal industry with a discerning eye, this comes as quite an outlandish claim.  One of the issues that people on the left criticize Beshear for is his complete alliance with the coal industry.

Beshear has repeatedly dissed the EPA and famously told them to "get off our backs."  He also does everything in his power to distance himself from Obama... also, notice how the narrator says "Ubama."  That's code for anti-Christ.  Check out Kenny Colston's fact-check on this ad at cn2.

The second ad focuses on the school bus system in Jefferson County and mentions how kids often don't get home until late at night.  This is a big message for Williams, one that he mentioned in Monday night's KET forum.

And the third installment in the trilogy takes a more optimistic tone (think Return of the Jedi).  After Darth Beshear has built his coal-killing Death Star and is busing children all the way across the Andromeda galaxy, it's up to David Skywalker to help restore... okay, I've run out of steam in this metaphor.  Just watch the ad.

In another article, Colston talks about the disparity between the money spent on ads between the two parties.  Obviously, the Democrats are spending a lot more and though these three ads help some, the GOP is still far behind.

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