The Great State of Kentucky

The Great State of Kentucky
United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

In Case You've Been Sleeping...

  • David Williams may have been Qadaffi'd (see Tosh.0 for reference) at the polls last week, that doesn't mean that the Kentucky media will take a break from talking about him incessantly.  Between John David Dyche, Al Cross and Joseph Gerth, the Courier-Journal columnists have thought more about Williams in the past week than David Williams has thought about himself his whole life (and he's a narcissist).
  • Greg Stumbo talks about much-needed redistricting in the state of Kentucky.
  • The train wreck that is downtown Lexington's street layout might be changed to a more navigable street system, as two-way streets are being discussed by the city.
  • Kentucky football is in a bad way.  After getting Qadaffi'd by Vanderbilt (see, you can use it anywhere) last weekend, UK has almost run out of chances to redeem themselves.  There's not much hope for a bowl game, and Joker's future is now a source of speculation for fans and media.
  • We'll finally get a chance to see our heroes in blue play against a formidable opponent tonight as the Wildcats take on the Kansas Jayhawks in New York City tonight.  The game starts at 9 ET on ESPN. There will be blood... and snacks.
  • In a related but less important note, sophomore guard Stacey Poole has decided to leave the University of Kentucky to a school where he can actually get more playing time.

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